5 Options for Tooth Restoration

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  • 5 Options for Tooth Restoration

If you have been dealing with the pain, discomfort, and embarrassment of noticeable dental issues, then you are not the only one. Many people suffer from tooth damage and discoloration. At Montreux Dental Clinic, our dentist near you has a solution for you! We have an arsenal of dental restorations in Calgary to help correct tooth decay, mal-alignment, stained teeth, and fractured or chipped teeth.

When Are Restorations Needed?

When you visit Montreux Dental Clinic for dental restorations near you, our dentist will examine your teeth to determine if dental restorations are needed and what procedures are right for you. If you have tooth decay or unsupported tooth structure, you will require tooth restorations. Based on their examination, our dentist will provide you with one of the following options:

Dental Fillings:

cavities are caused by a buildup of bacteria, poor oral hygiene, and an acidic and high sugar diet. If left untreated, tooth decay will spread and cause problems that will require more complex treatments. Our team provides composite resin fillings at our dental clinic in Calgary to support your tooth structure and prevent the further spread of decay. These fillings are durable and long-lasting.

Dental Crowns:

a dental crown is a tooth restoration that completely covers an unstable tooth that has been severely damaged or discolored. Dental crowns restore the healthy function and appearance of a damaged tooth. Some dental crowns are made of metal and porcelain fused together, while some are fully ceramic. Our dentist will help you determine the best material for your needs.

Dental Bridges:

a dental bridge is made up of three or more crowns stuck together to replace one or more missing teeth. Dental bridges are a great way to fill a gap created by a missing tooth or teeth and restore functionality and appearance.

Dental Implants:

a dental implant is designed to replace a tooth that is too damaged to be saved. A dental implant replaces the entire structure of your tooth, including its root. This means that a dental implant is the closest to your natural tooth. Dental implants use a titanium post that is surgically inserted into your jawbone. Once it has healed, a replacement crown is attached to the implant. Dental implants are excellent at preventing jawbone deterioration and restoring the ability to speak and chew.

Teeth Whitening:

teeth whitening can be done at home, but our team at Montreux Dental offers in-office teeth whitening for those seeking immediate and safe results. Our dentist will recommend the right concentration of bleach depending on the severity of your discoloration and your personal preferences for how long your treatment will last. The best part about choosing in-office teeth whitening is the ability to completely personalize your results and feel comfortable in the fact that your oral health is in the hands of a professional.

Interested in Dental Restorations?

If you are suffering from damaged, decayed, discolored, or missing teeth and would like to learn more about how you can alleviate your pain and frustration, please visit us at Montreux Dental. We are happy to help you find out which dental restoration option is best for your needs and get you on your way to a happier and healthier smile. We offer a wide range of dental restorations and are confident that we can find the solution you need. Please contact our team of dedicated dental professionals to book your appointment today!