Top Summer Tips for a Healthy Smile

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Top Summer Tips for a Healthy Smile

Summer has arrived!

For many people, summer is their favorite time of the year because of the longer days and better weather. As a result, there are many reasons to smile, regardless of what you enjoy doing.

With that said, our best dental hygiene and wellness advice from our dentist in Aspen is provided in this blog post, which should keep you grinning all summer long.

  • Stay Hydrated

To stay hydrated, drink lots of water throughout the day. By keeping your mouth moist and rinsing away food particles and bacteria, water lowers your risk of tooth decay and bad breath. If you intend to spend a lot of time outdoors on a hot summer day, you should also drink water. In fact, one of the most crucial things you can do to avoid getting sick from the heat is to stay hydrated.

  • Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Keep on maintaining oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth at least twice a day as part of your usual oral hygiene practice. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste, and switch up your toothbrush on a regular basis. If you want to give your smile an extra layer of defense against plaque and tartar accumulation, we can provide in-office fluoride treatments

  • Limit Sugary Drinks and Snacks

Drinking sugary liquids like soda, sports drinks, and fruit juices is a common summertime activity. You should consume these beverages in moderation, as they can cause tooth rot. Instead, choose unsweetened beverages or water. Your gums and teeth will appreciate it!

Remember to brush and floss your teeth two times a day to reduce the harm that all that sugar can cause to your teeth. Especially after indulging in anything sweet, drink lots of water. Your teeth are protected because water wipes away some of the leftover sugars.

  • Protect Your Teeth During Outdoor Activities

Wear a mouthguard while engaging in summer sports or activities to shield your teeth from harm or impact. Sports mouth guards operate as a cushion and can stop teeth from breaking, chipping, or falling out.

  • Stay Away from Ice and Cold Treats

Extremely cold foods, such as popsicles, or chewing on ice, can cause tooth sensitivity or even serious dental problems. Toss the ice in your mouth to melt it naturally; refrain from biting down on anything hard.

  • Pick Snacks That are Tooth-Friendly

Choose tooth-friendly snacks that are rich in nutrients and low in sugar. Yogurt, fresh produce, nuts, and fruits are all great options that support dental health while supplying necessary vitamins and minerals.

When you don’t anticipate biting down on anything hard, hard foods can do significant harm to your teeth. When trying unfamiliar foods, chew each bite thoroughly. By squeezing something hard or crunchy between your teeth, you run the risk of cracking or chipping a tooth. When you don’t anticipate biting down on anything hard, hard foods can do significant harm to your teeth. When trying unfamiliar foods, chew each bite thoroughly. By squeezing something hard or crunchy between your teeth, you run the risk of cracking a tooth.

  • Schedule Frequent Dental Check-Ups

It’s a good idea to schedule regular dental checkups and cleanings with your dentist near you during the summer. In order to preserve your oral health, regular dental cleaning appointments help discover and treat any dental problems early on.

Get Expert Oral Health Services at Montreux Dental Clinic

Scheduling routine dental exams and cleanings during the summer is a smart idea. Regular dental cleaning appointments assist in identifying and treating any dental issues early on, preserving your oral health.

Call us to find out more about our dental treatments today; we hope to talk to you soon!